Odds and Sods | Vol. 1
An assortment of gifs that I made over 2021.
Recently, I've been trying out frame-by-frame animation and it's been a nice change from using pesky plugins in After Effects; it's allowed me to focus solely on the movement in a scene. I used Adobe Animate and Rough Animator on the iPad to produce looping videos which I think have a nice organic feeling to them.
A little nordic cabin idea taken from Greta Thunberg; 'Our house is on fire.'
The roughs for the surfer 'duck-diving'. I tried to add some anticipation and overshoot to each element of the surfer and to get a feeling of the resistance under water as she pulls the board up to steady herself at the end.
I caught Queen's Gambit fever and decided to make a rotating chess piece without 3D software.
Above is a walk cycle for the clothing brand Brava Fabrics. The design is from one of their T-shirt prints. Unfortunately, they couldn't use the final animation. The falling petals were animated by hand too, see below.