Nizo (Less is More)
A project dedicated to the subtle, functional design of Dieter Rams.​​​​​​​ Nizo was Braun's line of Super 8 cameras, which was designed by Dieter Rams during his time at the company. This film camera stands out as an example of Ram's unique aesthetic: using colour sparingly, being honest with material choices and putting ease-of-use above style.
I made this project in 2019 when I was learning Cinema 4D; I wanted to practice modelling and animating an entire piece from start to finish. Arnold renderer helped to bring both realism to the project and a sense of history to the camera through textures and imperfections.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
At the time, I was learning about eye-trace in motion graphics and tried to integrate that principle into the film. The typography is supposed to be clean and reflect Braun's advertising and product manuals from that time.
In terms of animation, I kept things simple (partially because I was a beginner) but thankfully that fit with the themes of the project. I saw other videos using micro interactions and sleek match-cuts which I've then tried to imitate.