Drink More Coffee
An old WIP project, originally made for a jacket brand.
During the first lockdown in London (2020), I reached out to Paynter, a brilliant clothing company making limited run jackets. The labels to their clothing have intriguing care instructions, for example, 'drink more coffee'.
I really wanted to work with the founders and offered an animated series (unpaid) to highlight these quirky ideals. I storyboarded the first idea and wanted to try frame-by-frame animation to lend the piece an organic and hand-made quality. The colours and simple line style was something in keeping with their social channels as well.
I never delivered the project; I got all caught up in it, struggling with perfectionism which by the end of the year I could link to my then recently diagnosed OCD. Since then, I have worked on saying when something is 'good enough'.
I wanted to put my workings up despite how it all went because I learnt a lot during the process, not just about my own brain, but also in collaborating with brands and following an idea through, eventually, to the end.